पुस्तकालय पी एम श्री केंद्रीय विद्यालय वायु सेना स्थल कसौली (गुरुग्राम संभाग)

World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day (WTD) is an official United Nations international observance day that shines a light on the global sanitation crisis. On 19 November each year public education campaigns and events raise awareness. Worldwide, 4.5 billion people live without "safely managed sanitation".
The World Toilet Organization established World Toilet Day on 19 November 2001. In 2013, the UN declared World Toilet Day an official UN international observance day. World Toilet Day is a call to action to assure water and sanitation for all.
UN-Water is the official convener of World Toilet Day. As such, they coordinate events and action using a dedicated website and a taskgroup. Activities include educational campaigns (using formal media and social media), parades and volunteer work.
Toilets have a profound impact on public health, human dignity, and safety for women. When people have no toilets, they resort to open defecation. This leads to the spread of serious soil-transmitted diseases as well as waterborne diseases such as diarrhea and schistosomiasis. World Toilet Day can inspire people to take action toward achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6: clean water and sanitation for all.

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